Sunday, November 8, 2009

china man' tears.

I've been totally 100% cut of from the English world. Korean all the way :) During these past few days, NO wait months i haven't been updating. This is due to a few reasons:

1. I seriously lost my blogging mojo. (NOT TELLING A LIE).
2. and bla bla bla. I FORGOT.
3. ....
But I'm not going to lie. Sometimes i do feel the urge to blog. But i just got to lazy. Anyways, the whole point is I'm blogging now k? :D

So, where do i start?
O ya, SUPER JUNIOR. I have been yea you get the whole point. You don't need to read my blog to know about that.
Erm.. school has been school. I have to admit, I LIKE SETIAUSAHA work. It's tiring but i enjoy it. Just recently, i watched NINJA (not ninja assassin) but just "NINJA" with may, yana, emma. Not gonna mention the others considering it was suppose to be a GIRL'S DAY OUT. Anyways, the movie was suppose to be serious and all (18 SG PLUS SUPER DUPER BLOODY literally.) but to a certain extend it got "FUNNY". The guy was throwing this other guy through the window of the subway train. May was laughing. In conclusion, we spent RM 8 to watch a ermm how do i put this in a nice way?.. not so good movie. SERIOUSLY NOT SO GOOD. And just recently recently recently, sash slept over. It was fun. Cut short, we ate yummy cakes at alexis, watched super junior m, 'At least i still have you' about 10 GAZILLION TIMES :D, ate the chewy-est sugus on earth (laffy taffy), memorized korean lyrics, drank till we couldn't drink no more then past out. SOME RESULTS MAY VARY. Meaning half of what i said is true. We did eat cakes, we did watch 'at least i still have you' (not a 10 gazillion times but you get the picture), technically not the chewy-est sugus on earth but we did eat laffy taffy, and yes we did try to memorize the lyrics (ended up sounding like an indian), we didn't drink but we slept :D I DON'T KNOW. You must be thinking:

YOUR BRAIN: What in the world is this nut talking about?.

NEWS FLASH, this nut doesn't know either :D At least we're on the same page :D So yea that's about it. My first post after hiatus. Time to get my blogging mojo back ;D


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